Cultivating SoulFULL Friendships

Friendships rarely receive the respect they deserve, but let's be real; these relationships are vital to our well-being. After fifteen years of friendship, we always seek ways to deepen our connection. In a world that puts so much emphasis on romantic relationships, we highly encourage you to take inventory of your platonic bonds. This isn't just about looking at other people and what they are or are not doing, but reflecting on how you can show up more intentionally in your friendships. We're sharing a few things that may be helpful as you begin to cultivate more fruitful friendships.

  • Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab

Be warned; this book will snatch all of your edges because Nedra left no stone unturned when it came to giving us the down low on how not just to set boundaries but respect the boundaries of others. Chapter Twelve specifically goes into friendships and, as she eloquently said, "set a boundary or suffer the consequences of not setting one." What we love most is how Nedra provides signs of healthy versus unhealthy friendships and examples of handling everything, from the friend constantly complaining to the homie who thinks you're their therapist. Trust us; it's worth a read!

Grab your copy from Uncle Bobbie's or another bookstore owned by a person of the global majority

  • Why Are Adult Friendships So Hard? from the Black Girl Bravado podcast

Why didn't anyone tell us that adulthood wasn't just rainbows and sunshine but also included paying bills (blah) and dealing with the ups and downs of friendship? Managing friendships can seem like a struggle between work, boo things, family, and daily happenings. We're so grateful that Brittany and Germani of the Black Girl Bravado podcast sat down with psychologist and friendship expert Dr.Marisa G. Franco to break down the real tea behind friendships. 

Listen to this episode on Spotify!

  • Exploring Human Design with the Homies

I know what you may be thinking, "here they go with all that woo woo ish again', but yall, human design really is something worth tapping into, especially regarding your connections with others. According to Mind Body Green, "human design is a system that gives you a detailed blueprint of how your energy is designed, how you are unique, and what your gifts and life purpose are." Once we learned more about our personal designs, we could see how this impacts our interactions, and it has been a game-changer for our friendship. Having a deeper awareness of our human design has helped us be more intentional about how we communicate, how we work together, and provided another level of insight that we've lacked in these fifteen years of friendship. It's a lot of information and can be overwhelming, so take your time and explore the wealth of resources available on the internet. 

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Kamil- Generator

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Six Ways to Live Mindfully


Resources for Navigating Grief & Loss