Mastering Our Mornings

As Yazmin Lacey crooned on one of her songs from the album of the same name, "morning matters," and it's true, how we spend our mornings are crucial. How we start our days helps set the standard for how the rest of it will go. Whether you're an early riser greeting the sun or prefer to lounge around for a while, creating a routine to direct your day could be helpful.

We know what you may be thinking, "chile, I don't have time for a morning routine," we're not here to argue with you on this but instead to offer a gentle nudge to see things differently. Before setting a routine, it's easy to waste our time away doing something out of habit rather than dedicating our time to things that pour into us and are fulfilling. Today we're inviting you to check out a few tips and what we do in our morning routines to help inspire you to create one that works best for your life.

1. Reflect on what your morning typically consists of

Even if you don't have a concrete routine, there are probably things that generally fill your time, ranging from early morning scrolling on Instagram to checking the day's top news stories. Take the time to jot down all the ways you spend your time, and then add a "+" to the things that nourish you and a "-" to those that deplete you in any way. Ideally, your morning routine should include more nourishing activities than those that drain you.

2. Be honest about your capacity

It's okay to be ambitious about what you want to get done in the morning, but it's important to be realistic about your capabilities. It defeats the purpose of a morning routine if it's filled with activities that are hard to accomplish or leave you feeling defeated before your day begins.

3. Be true to you

Last year, we decided to go running at 5:30 am, and let us tell you, it didn't last long. A morning routine can be challenging (if that's what you want it to be), but it can also be a time to savor the things you enjoy most. While some may use their morning routine to double down on their productivity, you can also choose the things that bring you pleasure and purpose.

4. Better every day

Even if you devise a routine, you may not always get it "right," and that's okay. Beginning a new routine is like finding new clothes; you must try them on to see how they fit. Give yourself some flexibility to see what works and what doesn't. Just like we're constantly changing, our routines may also need to change to align with where we are.

Kamil's morning routine:

I was a stickler for keeping my routine, but I realized my inability to be flexible was more harmful than helpful. Now I try to be more in tune with what I need for a specific day and allow that to guide me in my morning.

  1. Making my bed

  2. Lighting incense 

  3. Playing my Black girl liberation vibes playlist

  4. A little body movement. Check out Yoga with Adriene on YouTube for everything from short full-body stretches to more intricate yoga practices.

  5. Journaling about what's on my mind (If you need help getting started, Google journal prompts for self-reflection.)

Bonus: I try my best to stay off my phone until I've set the tone for how I'd like my day to go.

Cherelle's morning routine:

I’ve never really been a routine girl, but seeing my morning “routine” as more of a ritual centered around what feels good for me and can help me to be the best for that day means some days it looks different than others. Here’s what that looks like for me.

  1. Open my eyes and express gratitude for another day

  2. Meditate/ do a bit of self-Reiki

  3. Drink water

  4. Play my Jazzy morning playlist 

  5. Light my incense

  6. Make my bed

  7. Free flow journaling to get what’s on my mind off of it 

  8. Go to my gym/workout

Bonus: Keep my phone on DND until my day has started & I’ve been in my groove/flow.


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